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8,3 / 10; abstract=In 1962, Tony "Tony Lip" Vallelonga, a tough bouncer, is looking for work when his nightclub is closed for renovations. The most promising offer turns out to be the driver for the African-American classical pianist Don Shirley for a concert tour into the Deep South states. Although hardly enthused at working for a black man, Tony accepts the job and they begin their trek armed with The Negro Motorist Green Book, a travel guide for safe travel through America's racial segregation. Together, the snobbishly erudite pianist and the crudely practical bouncer can barely get along with their clashing attitudes to life and ideals. However, as the disparate pair witness and endure America's appalling injustices on the road, they find a newfound respect for each other's talents and start to face them together. In doing so, they would nurture a friendship and understanding that would change both their lives; score=315673 Votes; ; Runtime=130 minutes; director=Peter Farrelly.

Movies about friendship trumps any other type of movie. This will remain timeless. Watch stream green book 2016. Haha I really liked the ending. Watch stream green book list.


Thank you for making this movie of a truly beautiful story. True friends to the end, the world could learn a lot from their life's journey. This movie was surprisingly good, well worth the watch. Watch stream green book download. “Dear Doloris, sometimes you remind me of a house-” Deadpans “You know this is pathetic, right?”.

With this, there are 2 Oscar videos with the same title

Viggo embodies every character to the point that you almost forget he was the king of Gondor. Watch Stream Green book photo. Watch stream green book online. Micky from Film Theory sent me. Watch stream green book release. Watch stream green book show.

Watch Stream Green bookmakers

Much of this movie isn't very realistic. Otherwise I would've given it a solid 10. But the way the relationship develops between these two men who are culturally opposites, is just pure joy to watch. It reminds me so much of military life. I entered the service during the Vietnam War, and back then these situations were very common. What I found to be true in those days, was that young men who were loyal to their own values were eager to learn the values and customs of others. I was born and raised in SoCal and with all races. But interacting with southerners and east coast street ppl was always interesting and a joy. This movie definitely reflected those good ol days for me. One of the finest movies I've seen in many years. This is one of the best trailers I have seen in a long time! Didn't give away the story too much outside the skeleton, had me in absolute tears laughing - and two terrific actors that I would have never guessed putting together in a frickin comedy! I honestly cant wait.

Watch Stream Green. Viggo Mortensen deserved to win the oscar for best actor. Looks like Viggo is about to get his Oscar.


SECRETS. Makes me want to play kerbal space program again. Great movie except for the music. uughh! Steven, you need to get John Williams back. Watch stream green book live. Movieclip I request to you makes some clips of Into the Storm (2014) Rampage (2018) and Geostorm (2017) thank you I love your videos. Watch Stream Green books. This movie shows the overwhelming struggle and sacrifice that's humans made to explore space showing the struggle that it took the land two men on the moon. Love is Love plain and simple. Who cares if its between 2 men or two women or black or white or anything different. Its love period. and thats what God looks at. Thats what matters. Too much hate in this world Enoughhhh. Again who cares ? Love is Love 💜💜💜💜.

Watch stream green book 3. What a brilliant watch this is. I highly recommend. Watch stream green book box. My favorite actor. I cant wait for this movie. Watch stream green book review. Daniel and Charlize look like Msr and Ms Bond. Outstanding true story film showing that color doesn't define us, but how we act ourselves and towards others, does.
Great performances from the entire cast, especially Viggo Mortensen and Mahershala Ali who were perfectly cast and convincing in their roles. It was also great to see comedian Sebastian Maniscalco in this film as well.
Writer, director and producer Peter Farrelly nailed every aspect of this biography.
The score, cinematography, sets and visuals were all on point.
I'm not a fan of slow paced long films, but this was was close to an exception. I feel if the pace was picked up a bit and/or the 130 min run-time edited down to around 110 mins, this would have been a perfect 10 from me.
Excellent drama and comedy perfectly positioned throughout the film.
A well deserved 8/10 from me.

Geez 74 m subs wow. Watch Stream Green book paris. Excellent movie. Touches so many of of our current national issues. Comedy,pathos et all. Must see for all. Watch Stream green book. Watch stream green book trailer. Utter crap. It takes courage to change people's hearts. Watch stream green book reviews. Name is Garrard Conley. Why is Aragorn driving around south. I thought Armstrong was black man. I love a movie that restores my faith in films. Is it fun to see a movie with a zillion dollar budget and every special effect known to man? Sure. But can you take an issue, any issue, and break it down to two characters you care about and leave the theatre feeling you're better for it? Yes. And that's far more satisfying.
Isn't Peter Farrelly half the team that brought us "Dumb & Dumber? And now he makes this? Amazing. Worth the wait. Viggo Mortensen is the new De Niro, some things may be predictable but are handled nicely, and the last seventy seconds or so are pretty much perfect. So far, the best movie I've seen in 2018. In an odd way, it reminded me Breaker Morant.

Watch Stream Green book review. It takes courage to change peoples hearts. Whats the music of this movie trailer.
















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